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Dst systems股票价格历史记录

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DST Systems, Inc. is an American company that provides advisory, technology and operations outsourcing services to the financial services and healthcare industries. It was founded in February 1969 as Data·Sys·Tance, a subsidiary of Kansas City Southern Industries (KCSI) and is headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri, United States.As of 2016, DST employed 13,420 people worldwide. DST Systems, Inc. was acquired by SS&C Technologies on April 16, 2018. SS&C provides the global financial services industry with a broad range of highly specialized software, software enabled-services and software as a service (SaaS) solutions for operational excellence. DST Systems, Inc.(NYSE:DST)公告四季度每股收益1.66美元,分析师预期1.53美元。该季收入为3.737亿美元,分析师预期3.948亿美元。 SS&C Technologies Results, order, filter 48 Jobs in Kansas City, MO Featured Jobs; Marketing Compliance Analyst, Financial Advisors. Kansas City, Missouri Leading cloud-based provider of financial services technology solutions. SS&C Technologies owns and maintains the best financial technology in the industry. DST Systems Inc is a provider of information processing and servicing solutions to the financial industry. Clients include asset-management firms, brokerages, retirement funds, and healthcare firms. The company operates three business segments: financial services, healthcare services, and customer communications.

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在 IPL或安装系统菜单中选安装操作系 统。如重启过,要求再选择语言2984(支持双字节字符集的英文)。 在将所有磁盘机添加到系统中菜单, 选使用 DST进行磁盘配置,转到第三步。 修改系统日期和时间,采用缺省值安装操作系统。

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Leading cloud-based provider of financial services technology solutions. SS&C Technologies owns and maintains the best financial technology in the industry.

DST Systems Inc is a provider of information processing and servicing solutions to the financial industry. Clients include asset-management firms, brokerages, retirement funds, and healthcare firms. The company operates three business segments: financial services, healthcare services, and customer communications.